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Process Post #8

I have hit a crossroads in the website. After reading the last two peer reviews my path forward is clear. I need to figure out how to edit my posts so that my text doesn’t all move to one side of the page, but solving that problem is proving to be very difficult. I also need to figure out how to incorporate more photography onto my home page, I need to change my site icon, and probably refine the amount of typography I am using. I have tried to do these things, but I am struggling to understand how to achieve my vision using WordPress. I experienced a big hump at the beginning of creating the site with basic set-up, and now design is my second round of struggle.

Moving forward, I want to explore more of the design of the website and see how I can make it my own. It doesn’t look like how I envisioned it and I cannot figure out how to make my visions come to life. Stay tuned… hopefully things are looking brighter next week.

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